Who We Are
We are a non-profit community of undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers involved in basic and applied research, academics, and industry, for example, with shared engagement in plant science, molecular biology, omics, crop improvement, and synthetic biology through the lens of biotechnology. Above and beyond plant biotechnological research, many of our members are also interested in the evolution of regulatory policies and public perception as they relate to biotechnologically-derived crops.

Our Mission
To promote interaction among, advocate for, and serve as a contact point for plant biotechnology researchers across Canada. We also aim to bridge the gap between academia, government, and industry in the context of plant biotechnology, and liaise with the International Association of Plant Biotechnology.
CAPB Benefits
Being a member of the CAPB provides you with a platform to meet and network with others who are interested in plant biotechnology in Canada, discounted access to biennial CAPB conferences, and access to numerous virtual events, student competitions, and awards.